2-year Anniversary gift ♡

It's been two years since I started my Reiki salon on January 16th, 2020. It was quite a shock that I had to shut down two months later because of the lockdown, but I'm thankful for my clients to give me opportunities to survive.

Gift: Your Original Purifying Atomizer
To show my appreciation, you will receive a purifying atomizer starting February 14th (Valentine's Day!) until the end of March. You can use it anytime anywhere on your body. It will help you start your day, purify your energy, and provide clarity in your life. The essential oils will be chosen by Kinesiology, your muscle responses, so it will be your own scent.

Rosemary comfort and Cypress were chosen as my scent. Mixed with Aura Soma Quintessence Serapis Bey, the aroma is heavenly!

Refill is free
Yes! You can bring your empty atomizer in your next session. Refill is free.

Aqua, Aura Soma Quintessence Serapis Bey, essential oils of your own

What is "Aura Soma Quintessence Serapis Bey"?
The Serapis Bey can offer purification of thought and feeling, clarity and new beginnings. It reveals our inner essence through the purification of the subtle bodies, providing clarity of purpose and vision. It can create the balance to clear, protect and increase the magnetic field. (Reference: Aura Soma's website)

February 14th (Valentine's Day!) until the end of March

How to receive it?
Make an appointment for either Reiki or Reiki with Integrated Healing. I will choose your own essential oils to use after your session.

To make an appointment online, please click the button below, or email us at reikisagharbor@optimum.net.

You will receive one of above, gold or silver.

Aura Soma Quintessence Serapis Bey