Looking back at 2021 and adore the power of affirmation

It’s been a month since 2022 started, and I’ve just finished creating New Year’s Resolutions.


2021 was one of the years I will remember. 

In January 2020, I started my Reiki salon, Reiki Sag Harbor, and had to shut down in March because of Covid. Since then it was up and down for me like most of people on this planet. 

In November 2020, I wrote my affirmations after getting a vivid image of me being in a kimono at a beautiful setting. I wrote in the affirmations that I’m doing Tea Ceremony in the setting. 

Starting January 2021, I do Reiki at Shou Sugi Ban House, a beautiful resort in Watermill, and I have done two Tea Ceremony events there, the exact location I had imagined and wrote affirmations back in November 2020 and also in my New Year’s Resolution for 2021.

The Power of Affirmation

Affirmation has a strong power, but from my experience those should be coming from your true self if you wish to manifest. Go inside yourself, rediscover true self and find what your true self wishes for, then do affirmation. Anyone can say I want to become a billionaire, but if your true self doesn’t wish for it, it’s not going to manifest. How many people wish for spreading Zen mind through Reiki and Tea Ceremony in the Hamptons? I bet not many people are wishing for it, if not only me. ;)

How do you find your true self?

If you are a Reiki practitioner, remember to do Reiki for yourself. It is great for rediscovering your true self.

Writing down your negative emotions is another way to rediscover your true self.

  1. When your mind is buzzing, write down what happened, then examine those events; are they really what happened or did you just guess what happened?

  2. Write down your emotions.

  3. Examine if you want to hold the emotions or you want to feel different kinds of emotions. 

  4. Determine what you want to do if you want to feel different kinds of emotions. 

Remember no emotions are bad. You want to feel all the emotions, you are feeling that emotion because you want to feel the emotion.

However, if you like to feel other emotions, you have to determine to change your mindset.

Lastly and more importantly, I was fortunate to have new clients at our Reiki salon and I was honored that they refer their friends and families. I really appreciate for those who trust me and I learned to trust myself through my clients.

Love and Light,
