Introducing my new tuning forks - Sounds of God


When I learned Integrated Healing in 2017, I got to know the tuning forks. It was my first encounter of sound healing, I knew little about it.

I wrote about my Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl, but I secretly wanted to get one more super tool, tuning forks - Sounds of God.

My blog: Introducing my (new) Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl

Last month all the sudden I felt a strong urge to acquire it, and I purchased it online within 10 min.

I’m so glad I did.

It accelerates the healing process.  This is going to be my go-to healing tool.

My beautiful 14 set of tuning forks is from Healing Tuning Forks. If you are an energy healer, looking for a good modality, I highly recommend you get one. You won’t regret it!

On their website, there is a good description of how sound therapy works. Here is an excerpt. There are also articles by the founder on their website, please read them, well written, very interesting.

How does Sound Therapy work? 

The use of sound in healing has been recognised since ancient times. Using sound vibrations to heal can be backed up by the scientific proof that everything that exists within our universe consists of pure vibration. This of course includes the human body and its energy systems. 

Ailments that manifest within the body are created by dissonance within the bodies energy field. This dissonance is caused by particles vibrating at an unharmonious frequency. The key here is to gently encourage the body to effectively change its vibration. It is here that tuning fork therapy plays a vital role in sound healing. These simple tools will provide therapists with a powerful frequency shifter.

When the specialist tuning fork sets are applied on and around the body, the specific frequencies remind the body of its natural resonance pattern. As the sound waves travel through the bodies energy field a vibrational shift begins, triggering a re-patterning at a cellular level. A domino effect is initiated in the body, as it is encouraged to restore itself back to its natural harmonic pattern. Vibrational shifts will influence the body on a holographic level, thus aiding in re-balancing physical, emotional and subtle energy imbalances, including those within the aura, chakras and meridian circuits.

I love to see my clients’ smile after the sessions. That is all I have!

↓ If you are interested in my Reiki sessions with sound healing, click the button below to make an appointment.

Love and Light,
