Introducing my (new) Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl

My new healing tool, Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl. 


In fact I have been using it since last September, but I didn’t write about it. 

It’s stunningly beautiful, and I fell in love with it at first sight.
The note that the bowl makes is a D which corresponds with Sacral chakra (lower tanden or lower abdomen), and most of my clients (and me!) need more grounding ever because of the pandemic we faced last year, I decided to purchase it. 

I fell in love with it, but I have to confess that I went home empty handed that day, but went back and purchased a couple of days later. It was beautiful, but the price wasn’t. 🤣


According to Crystal Tones U.S.A., “Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are made of 99.992% pure quartz infused with precious crystals, gemstones and/or minerals,” when “Crystal singing bowls are made of 99.992% pure quartz crystal.”

So the difference between Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl and crystal singing bowl is whether it’s infused with “precious crystals, gemstones and/or minerals.”

My Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl is infused with Tesseract Salt and Palladium. 


“Palladium is a light silvery white metal that holds the energy of guardianship on the highest frequency. It heals our inner child and empowers the inhabiting of higher consciousness while remaining in the fullness of grounding.”

“Tesseract Salt - Sacred square form for manifestation, grounding the fourth dimension, building a strong structural foundation to connect and ground us to manifest the divine on this planet. Direct grounded connection to Mother Divine.”

(Reference: Crystal Tones U.S.A.)

Both alchemy holds the energy to higher consciousness while remaining to our Mother Earth.
I didn’t know those details when I purchased it, but this is exactly what I need it to my healing room. Good job, Tomoe! 😁

 I am not a music person (I love silence!), but I’m convinced that sound healing brings good results in my healing sessions, I use both this Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl and tuning forks. I will write about my new tuning forks next.

My Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl is from Crystal Tones U.S.A. and I purchased it at Crystal Bowl Temple New York City.

↓ If you are interested in my Reiki sessions with sound healing, click the button below to make a reservation.

Love and Light,


I came across good descriptions of crystals, singing bowls, alchemy, benefits of singing bowls, etc. on the Internet, if you are interested in those, please read below from Crystal Tones U.S.A and Sound Universe International. I think both are trusted resource.

What is crystal?

Crystals are fossilized water, formed when water combines with an element under certain conditions of pressure, temperature and energy. As a crystal, the element is able to express itself as a more unified and ordered being.

Silica sand, combined with water becomes quartz crystal. Quartz crystals have many physical properties. They amplify, transform, store, focus, and transfer energy. We see the results in microphones, radio and television equipment, timepieces, laser tools, and computers to name a few.

Our bodies, too, are crystalline in structure. When working with crystals, there may be profound effects on the organs, tissues, and cells, as well as the circulatory, endocrine, and metabolic systems.

Thoughts are energy forms. When thought energy interacts with a crystal, those thoughts are changed to more harmonic forms, which change brainwave frequencies, showing possible alterations in consciousness. Thus, the power of positive intention or affirmation combined with the use of crystals provides remarkable healing results.


What are crystal bowls?

Crystal bowls are made from 99.992% pure crushed quartz and heated to about 4000 degrees in a centrifugal mold.

They are available in clear or frosted bowls in a variety of sizes, ranging from 6 to 24 inches in diameter. The bowls emit a powerful, pure resonance. The larger bowls are much more reverberant, with the tone lingering longer, simply because of the size and amount of crystal. The clear bowls, somewhat more expensive, are more readily available in smaller sizes.

The size of the bowl does not necessarily determine its note, although the larger bowls sound lower octaves and notes. Each bowl is tested with digital technology to identify its sound. One will have a sense of which tone "feels" most congruent with individual needs or desires. The notes, C, D, E, F, G, A, B correspond with one’s energy centers or chakras.

What is Palladium?

Palladium was discovered in 1803, and was named after both the Roman Goddess - Pallas Athena and the newly discovered Pallas asteroid. Palladium is a light silvery white metal that holds the energy of guardianship on the highest frequency. Not a protector, not a teacher but a constant companion and friend. It empowers the inhabiting of higher consciousness while remaining in the fullness of grounding. Palladium is an excellent travel companion, supporting your consistent presence within your heightened consciousness. Palladium encourages the individual to include external activities into your field energy and take on new courageous actions.


What is Tesseract Salt?

The naturally formed sacred geometric structure of tesseract, bridges an energetic map of our return to the 4th dimension. Revisiting our multidimensional foundations, we replenish the ever evolving aspects of our light as we return to our higher self through the dimensions. The Tesseract Salt Alchemy resonates with its origin, that is the divine particles within the water of our inner body and outer ocean. A perfect Alchemy for deepening in your awareness and alignment to your origins and the All that Is.

Reference: Crystal Tones U.S.A. ( 

How do singing bowls work?

Our entire human body down to our DNA is crystalline in structure, causing it to respond and resonate with the extraordinary frequencies associated with quartz crystal. Pure sound waves produced by high-quality singing bowls are able to sync and establish coherence with our brain waves. This supports and allow the listener and the player to relax into a lower state of brain wave such as Alpha and Theta State that promotes self-healing.

Which are the benefits of alchemy crystal singing bowls?

Sound healing can reduce stress, anxiety, tension and it balances mood swings. It also helps to strengthen the immune system, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol level and the risk for coronary artery disease and stroke. Sound healing is used as a form of pain management for people with chronic pain disease. It improves our sleep especially for people who suffer from insomnia. A powerful technique to clear chakras and rebalance them. It can raise one’s consciousness to increase creativity and promote inspirational sparks!
Reference: Sound Universe International (