Got 10 sec?

Photo taken in Sag Harbor

Photo taken in Sag Harbor

I watched a YouTube video about 5-second meditation. The Japanese blogger in the video has Nali Psychology (a blog in Japanese), an interesting thing is that he has no formal training as a psychologist, but his unique approach, sometimes black humor, attracts followers.

In the video he suggests to do a 5-second meditation. Just 5 seconds, no longer. Do it as many as you want in a day.


Everyone knows meditation is good, but can you empty your mind in your busy day? 

I’m a Buddhist since I was young, so I did a lot of praying and chanting, but Buddhists don’t meditate or at least we weren’t told to meditate.

Now I do Reiki meditation and breathing technique in the morning, and self Reiki before each Reiki session, but I have to admit I’m not very good at a regular meditation. 

My mind strays, thinking that “why did I say that?” or “oh, I forgot to charge my iPhone!” My mind wonders around in the past and future.

Successful meditation makes you calm and relax, just live now at this moment.

The 5-second meditation makes things easier. I can empty my mind for 5 seconds. That’s easy peasy. But I found that my breath is still shallow when I try to do the 5-second meditation. So I adapted the 5-second meditation with a breathing technique, and it’s 10-second meditation. 

Breathe in for 5 seconds and breathe out for 5 seconds. That’s it!

Breathe in from your nose and breathe out from your nose or mouth. It can be 4-second breathe in and 6-seconds breathe out. Whatever you are comfortable with. 

One important rule, though, is that you have to stop whatever you are doing for the 10 seconds. You can be sitting, standing and even walking, but no social media.

You can do it anytime of the day as many times as you want. It’s great when you are leaving your house, before starting the engine in your car, before making an important call in your office.

If you do this 6 times a day, it’s 1 min. You are present now and here for 1 min. 

Is it too short? 

Maybe, but we are now living in a high pace society, your brain works in a full speed doing your work, besides that one regrets what happened in the past or worry about something might happen in the future. 

Do this 10-second meditation, your mind will find the spot where it should belong much easier.


Love and Light,




ReikiTomoe Itoreiki, meditation