How to become grounded 1


What is “Qi”? - I thought this when I was talking to one of my clients the other day.

There are a lot of Japanese words using “Qi.” For instance when our energy is high or low, when our mind is focused or scattered, and so on, we used the word many times in our daily conversations.

According to my Japanese-English dictionary, Qi, Ki or Chi is life energy and “Prana” in Sanskrit.

Reiki’s “ki” is this “Qi.”

In our best condition, most of our Qi stays below our navels, Lower Tanden or Hara point (the term is used in Japanese martial arts).
We are grounded in this condition.

When we are worried or when our head is busy, Qi goes up to our heart chakra or to our head.
We are not grounded in this condition.

There are some ways to lower Qi including by walking and jumping, I found that the easiest way is by using a breathing technique to Hara point.

Place your palm below your navel, and place the other palm over it. Take a deep breath in and out, nice and long breathing. Breathe in from your nose and breathe out from your nose or mouth. Just imagine your Qi around your head or heart goes down and is stored below your navel (Hara point) where your palms are. Keep doing this until your mind gets calm or your head is clear, about 10 to 20 minutes. You feel warmness at the Hara point.

If you are Reiki practitioner (meaning if you have taken Reiki level 1 or higher), you send Reiki to the Hara point.

I do this a lot lately since I started my new adventure, Reiki salon. ;)

I had never had a business before, everything is trial and error. A lot to worry about, and some unexpected things can happen (yes, happened already…). I am very private, talking to new people is sometimes intimidating. Can I explain to my clients well in English? Starting Instagram was another scary thing!

Well, if I’m allowed, I can keep writing down my worries! That’s why I do this a lot lately, and I know it works.

I hope you try this breathing technique to Hara point. I know you will love it.

What if it doesn’t work? When your anxiety is too great, you are almost eaten by your anxiety, and you can’t even sit still.

I will write what you can do in this situation next time.

Love and Light,
