A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter

A friend reminded me of a letter Albert Einstein reportedly sent to his daughter, I thought this is what we need in this difficult time. In the letter, Albert Einstein wrote;

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.

Energy to heal the world = Love * Light2

How beautiful it sounds. -“Love and Light” happened to be my theme. ;)

Albert Einstein_letter.jpg

I crossed upon some websites suggesting that the letter was written by another writer in Spain. I have no way to know if it’s written by Einstein or not, but I just want to believe that the formula in the letter is true.

Since the pandemic swept the world, I was upset; upset about the people who buy too much food and toilet papers without thinking about others, and people who don’t follow the stay-at-home order.

I thought my anger is not harmful, but I might be wrong. The anger each one of us feels can be multiplied and can be lead to hate.

(I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t get upset. I believe that we should express healthy anger, the worst thing we can do to ourselves is suppress our feelings. The suppressed feelings will explode big someday.)

If this Einstein formula is somewhere in our mind, we can go back to who we really are, true to ourselves, after we get upset. We can prevent our anger from getting out of control. Meaning that we can prevent the world from filling with hate.

(By the way, when you are upset, a breathing technique using Hara point really works. I wrote about it in my blog “How to become grounded.” If you are a Reiki practitioner, combining Reiki and this breathing technique works great. I believe this simple technique is what people needed in this stressful time, and I started making a meditation video. It was easy making a script, but recording wasn’t easy. I don’t know when it will be complete…)

This Einstein’s love formula also reminded me of the simple fact; “The world peace is from a house.” I forgot to smile at my husband these days! If I smile, he smiles back, and I smile more. It’s that simple. ;) 
- Does it mean that I have to smile when I witness my husband bowl his dirty socks to the corner of his closet instead of putting them into a hamper?

I thank my friend who reminded me of this letter.

Love and Light,
