Reiki's Birthplace - Mt. Kurama 1

Nio-mon Gate

Nio-mon Gate

This is where you wash and purify your hands and mouth

This is where you wash and purify your hands and mouth

Autumn in Kyoto is just gorgeous

Autumn in Kyoto is just gorgeous

Tsuzuraori sando (approach to the main hall)

Tsuzuraori sando (approach to the main hall)

The Mighty tree “Osugi”

The Mighty tree “Osugi”

One of the trinity, Bishamonten

One of the trinity, Bishamonten

This sign explains Mao-son’s arrival (Photo A)

This sign explains Mao-son’s arrival (Photo A)

Before starting my Reiki Salon, there were two places I wanted to visit in Japan. One of them was a temple where Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, rests, and the other is Kurama Yama or Mt. Kurama where Usui received the Reiki healing energy.

When I went to Japan in November 2019, I visited both places.

First, I visited his memorial gravesite in Tokyo, I will write about it in a separate blog post.

Next destination was Reiki’s Birthplace, Mt. Kurama. Mt. Kurama is located in the north of Kyoto City, it takes about one hour to one and half hours by bus and subway from Kyoto Station to a temple called Kurama Temple in Mt. Kurama.

I’ve visited many temples and shrines in Japan, but this place was full of surprises.

According to Kurama Temple’s website, the Temple worships Sonten or Universal Energy. Their principle deities (trinity) are the Thousand-Armed Kannon representing Love, Bishamonten representing Light and Mao-son representing Power.

Spirit of the Moon - Love = Thousand-Armed Kannon
Spirit of the Sun - Light = Bishamonten
Lord of the Earth - Power = Mao-son

Mao-son, one of the trinity above, makes this temple unique. There is a garden depicting Mao-son’s arrival to Mt. Kurama. The sign for the garden (photo A) says “this garden describes the event that Mao-son is arriving to this sacred mountain, Mt. Kurama, from Venus with the great mission of salvation of mankind 6.5 millions years ago. The north garden shows “Tensha” (literary means “sky vehicle”), a vehicle of Mao-son.”

Wow… I was shocked and quietly sighed when I read it and saw the object looks like a UFO (Unindentified Flying Object…just in case) made of white sand (photo B). Sure, temples and shrines in Japan have interesting sacred figures, most of them are from ancient stories and old folk tales, but UFO in a temple… and the being from Venus…

Mao-son is said to be Sanat Kumara who is often referred to as an Ascended Master.

If you are looking for a spiritual spot on Mt. Kurama, you can find many. The stone floor spreading in front of the Honden Kondo (Main Building, photo C) is the strongest spiritual spot, Kongosho, where its star-shaped mandala (photo D) connects to Universal Energy according to the Kurama Temple’s website.

Next, you will see a place where Mikao Usui received Reiki energy.

Love and Light,


This garden depicts Mao-son landing on Mt. Kurama

This garden depicts Mao-son landing on Mt. Kurama

“Tensha,” or sky vehicle… UFO… (Photo B)

“Tensha,” or sky vehicle… UFO… (Photo B)

Honden Kondo (Main Hall) (Photo C)

Honden Kondo (Main Hall) (Photo C)

One of the spiritual spots on Mt. Kurama

One of the spiritual spots on Mt. Kurama

Tomoe Ito