This season’s Yakuzen Tea: Ginger Black Bean Tea
Brrr… It’s cold in NY. It’s always good to drink nice hot tea when it’s cold. We are now serving Ginger Black Bean Tea after each session. I brew steamed/sun-dried ginger and roasted black bean, the spiciness from ginger and nutty flavor from black beans make your heart and body warm. The health benefits of the combination is endless.
Ginger has many health benefits as it is anti-inflammatory, improves blood circulation, and improves immune and digestive systems. Steamed & sun-dried ginger is called Kankyo (乾姜) and has been used in Kanpo or Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Steamed ginger exhibits more potent bioactive properties than fresh ginger.
Black beans contains high antioxidant (love the sound), and it helps in providing healthy bones, lowering of blood pressure, maintaining a good digestive system. Black bean tea is widely popular in Japan.