Clean and Relaxing Water
When it comes to drinking water, I have nothing to say, I can’t hold a lot of water for some reasons. I do my best to drink more water, in fact I’m sipping water or the seasonal Yakuzen tea (non caffeine) as I’m writing this. l try to drink, though, clean and Relaxing water.
Clean because it’s filtered by Zero Water ( Yes, Zero Water you see in commercials. My TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter shows 0 ppm (parts per million). Our well water reads about 115, and water filtered by our old water filter, the brand everybody knows, reads… I don’t remember… but it was over 50. We are very impressed by Zero Water. We love our well water, but we are concerned that there may be too much minerals we don’t want for our body.
Relaxing because I use a VitaJuwel water bottle ( My bottle has amethyst, rose quartz and clear quartz, good for CALMING, BALANCING and RELAXING.
In the water I add a few drops of Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops ( Yes, I remove minerals and add minerals. Sounds crazy, but in this way we can have only right amount of minerals we want for our body. I got this idea from an amazing Integrated Healing practitioner living in Los Angeles. Someday I will write about Integrated Healing I learned two years ago.
We serve this clean and beautiful water before each session. I believe we should be well hydrated before and after any healing sessions. :)
COVID-19 update: Now we will serve water upon request.