Doyo Period and Seasonal Affective Disorder


It’s now the Doyo period, October 20th through November 6th, in the Five Elements Theory and it’s better not to do things involving dirt. Five Elements Theory is an Eastern division of life into wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. 

Dirt? I just planted tulip bulbs in my garden yesterday…

Usually, I ignore the restrictions in the Five Elements Theory as I already have my own restrictions/beliefs (!), but I’m now trying to get rid of my own old conclusions, I thought I shall check it deeper.

Because: Ancient Wisdom > My own old beliefs ;)

“During the Doyo period, we tend to be repressed physically and mentally…” Oh, yes, I’m a bit down these days, and I am taking it easy.

Umm. I want to share it with somebody.

During dinner I said to my husband, “Ah, darling… It’s Doyo period in Five Elements Theory, and people tend to get depressed during this period…”

I told him hesitantly as he might think it’s a stupid old theory. But to my surprise, he said “There is a known disorder entitled Seasonal Affective Disorder meaning many people have mood changes with the seasons.”


It’s well known that people tend to get depressed when the hours of sunlight are shorter, but maybe the seasonal changes are also affecting people. If those who are affected know about it, they might feel relieved because they are not alone, and they can prepare.

Encouraged, I went deeper in the search, and found that “Doyo is an 18-day period just before the first days of spring, summer, fall, and winter. The first days of each season are called risshun, rikka, risshu, and ritto in the lunar calendar. Doyo is related to the Earth energy, thus it’s better to avoid anything related to dirt because the Earth is getting ready for the next season, we shouldn’t disturb it.”


  • Related to dirt

  • Moving

  • Trips

  • Starting new things

During the Doyo period, it’s better to relax and take it easy. Instead of going outward, go inward. Meditation, Yoga, writing daily journal, and cleaning your house are good ideas.

After being relaxed for this period, you will be energized to go forward. :)

Reiki can be a big help for your deeper relaxation and rebalancing.

$50 for a first Reiki session for a first timer. 

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Love and Light,


The Doyo period changes every year, I will post my Instagram before the next Doyo period. If interested, subscribe my Instagram! :) ↓ 

ReikiTomoe ItoReiki, Doyo